Ten Reasons Why Your Business Need Live Chat

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Ten Reasons Why Your Business Need Live Chat


Live chat has emerged as a powerful tool providing assistance across multiple channels present today. It allows companies to quickly assist their customers and effectively provide a real-time conversation with customers who visit your website.

In the digital era, live chat is an important service channel providing immediate help and information to potential customers to address their issues. While live chat can improve the website user experience, what can it do for your business?

Why it’s important for businesses and brands to have live chat?

To cope up with the latest trends, business websites need to start offering live chat support to their customers. Live chat has great potential to boost sales and help you get an insight of your customer’s behavior on your website. Great customer service can be summed up in one aim: provide customer support through emails, phone, or live chat – live chat is most preferred.

While customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal, it’s imperative to have proactive chat agents. According to a study, consumers using live chat spend 60% on an average base than customers who don’t. With live chat, you’re not only creating loyal customers, in fact, you’re driving a high number of conversions and customers that are willing to spend money- which is a huge benefit for a business website.

10 Reasons Why your Business Needs Live Chat

  1. It increases sales

Live chat on a website has shown higher conversion rates. The agents from chat outsource stated that companies that started using live chat saw 20% increase in their conversions. Chatting with customers can make it easy to upsell products without any negative feelings. More than 30% of visitors purchase after chatting with a live chat agent. Now that’s a good reason to have live chat.

The fact that live chat is fast and proactive makes it an important marketing tool for delivering a positive impact on your business. More and more are turning to live chat, no wonder it’s a direct way to connect with a real person to have answers.

  1. It improves your customer service

Live chat efficiently provides an instant solution and offers a more convenient customer experience. There are no long waiting hours to get served. If your business involves purchasing decision and in case a customer gets confused, live chat can genuinely provide help to make things easier for customers. Moreover, the customers can begin their query and get connected with an expert to get an effective response.

  1. It increases your business’s competitive advantage

A recent research shows that live chat can potentially let a business gain a competitive advantage. This is one reason why business should consider implementing live chat on their website. Just the presence of live chat on your website is going to put your website in competition with your rivals.

  1. It provides an insight of your customer’s needs

Get to know your customers better through live chat service. Live chat extracts valuable data about customer behavior and their preferences which can help you target your marketing efforts.

The information gathered from live chat is very valuable in your marketing effort and product offering. You can find all the information about who is visiting your website? Are they liking it? Where are they getting stuck? Where do they need assistance? Look at the individual performance and their activities to ensure an effective customer service delivery.

  1. It helps resolve customer issues faster

When a visitor comes with a query, a complete log of customer history is displayed along the chat. You can get an idea what the customer is searching for and connect with the customer immediately. When customers see your business is responsive, it automatically puts your company in a favorable position in their eyes.

  1. Inform customers about latest discounts and offers

With live chat, you can inform the visitors on your website to avail the discounts and promotional offers. This would gain their interest and it would be easy to increase the conversion rates of your website. You need to strike at the right time to inform the customers, you need to understand what if they get to know about discounts they are more likely to purchase your products and services.

  1. It’s cost-effective

Live chat support is highly cost-effective. Brands and businesses looking for a way to market their products and services and provide great service should opt for integrating live chat on their website. Reasons how live chat is cost-effective:

  • Chat system is cheap and easy to maintain
  • Agents can handle multiple customers at once
  • Chats have lower waiting time
  • No extra requirements


  1. Connect with your millennial customers

A study has found that nearly 60% of the customers prefer to get help through live chat than any other methods. The major finding was that customers aging from 18 to 35 preferred live support than calling or emailing. Live chat is becoming one of the important tools to be included in every business website. It provides help to customers with minimal effort which increases sales.

  1. Handling complaints in a better way

If any customer has a complaint, rather than complaining about your page, they can contact you on your website. This will let you take control of the damage and response in a positive manner. As long as you’re able to handle the resolve the issue right away, there’s less chance of bad publicity.

  1. It’s good for your marketing team

Live chat offers help to customers that would normally bounce off, an opportunity to assist. This is a powerful insight into finding if you’re missing out on anything that will drive a conversion. Live support can make a business learn about the customer’s pain points that you’ve missed. Some of the reasons why live chat is important for a business:

  • It’s convenient for customers
  • Is preferred by customers
  • Drives high conversions and sales
  • Allow the ability to multitask
  • Answers your questions immediately

These are the reasons why your website should integrate live chat. Now you understand why having a live chat is important to take your business to next level.

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