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Who leads a better SEO team – A Female or a Male?

Since very long there has been debate about who is better a male or a female? There are many areas, many fields, and many professions, where debate opens that are female capable of doing what men do? Nobody could answer that, but we just did a little experiment in our company nsquareit.com. We asked our SEO team consisting of 10 members, 7 males – Jack, Ryder, Parker, Smith, Shawn, Tim, and Dan, and 3 females Natalia, Nadia and Ziva to write down how they would feel if they would have female heads instead of male. Their answers were as follows:


Jack says, “I believe there is no difference between a male head and a female head. I think what is important is being in a spirit of team and creating no issues internally. One should support female head as good as male and she has equal rights to make things correct if are going wrong. There may be chances that she would try to belittle others, but if she doesn’t she is good to go as head.”


Smith wrote, “For me there is no difference with male and female head. I would like to work with both male and female head. But I feel that a female head should support the all the team mates and provide help when needed by someone without being biased. In some corporate offices I have marked that females do not support male which is disliked by me. If a female will create differences then she should not be made head. The difference created by female will not be created by males so far. If it happens that my female head will be biased, than I personally will quit.”


Parker says, “I have mostly seen the higher-level managers are men but I think women will exhibit the same sorts of leadership behaviors as their male counterparts. That is probably because the demands of the leadership role require certain actions and behaviors to succeed. They notice differences that are in line with stereotypes about men and women, reporting that female leaders are more nurturing, empathic, and responsive than male leaders, but they will also report the negative side (e.g., moody). Male leaders, on the other hand, are perceived to be more professional than personal.”


Ryder told us, “As of my opinion female and male head both should be friendly. I am not biased but I feel female is not suitable for every field while male could handle all the positions given to him. Though in today’s generation females are seen as equals still males are the priorities in every working field. If I have to work under a female head she should not belittle me and should have ability to deal with team politely and professionally.”


Tim says, “The one who is able to handle the team with their proper management and planning by leadership is a good head according to me. As per my opinion head should not be judged on the basis of gender. I will always accept the one who is able to help a team with their best knowledge and the one who inspires me. Simply, I would always like to welcome the one who able to drive team for success.”


Shawn says, “Female leaders tend to be extremely focused on completing a task assigned. I have observed that at times women often indirectly communicate their expectations of a given task. For me there is no difference with male and female head. I like to work with both male and female head. For a shy guy like me, it would be little awkward to talk to a lady. I would not say woman cannot be a good leader but men tend to give me professional level of comfort.”


Dan’s opinion is, “Everyone Obey the Task of Senior (Female SEO). If we don’t work as team and eventually everything will go wrong for the company. It would be a bit difficult for me to work under a female because of my personality. I have experienced female makes an employee do work forcefully. Their personality tends to be strict, which according to me is improper. I believe that my growth and development is in my hands and silly internal fights and politics could ruin it. I like to Be Professional and Be Corporate.



Nadia says, “I’ve worked in the SEO industry for what feels like a lifetime. I live and breathe SEO and I love keeping up with advances in the industry. Every time I am ready to accept challenges, eager for betterment if I lead a team full of male majority. I have observed that females aren’t provided deserved lime light and that what inspires me to create this feature and highlight the women who have influenced the industry from its inception. When I will train an in-house team, I’m not only teaching them skills (any type of skill) – but I’m also showing them how to be better for the head position. I believe it’s a great way to help legitimize yourself in the industry because women do best.


Natalia informed us that, “As an SEO head, I set my pay and I definitely don’t specify against myself for being a woman. I know what I do is valuable, and based on conversations I have with my male colleagues, I’m able to set prices that are equal or higher than those charged by agencies led by men. But, I’m confident in my skills. I’m confident in the value my agency provides. And I have made some sacrifices to build a reputation. I dislike when technical people (usually men) “pretend” to know human factors, usability, and user experience.

Like any woman, I’ve had a few instances where I thought that I’d have been treated differently if I were a man but I’m happy to say they are few and far between. The “justice” in the right picture is actually communism. Taking from the ones who have too much and giving to the ones in need.


Ziva told us, “I believe there is no difference in female head or male as far as they are good enough to be head. In this male dominated field, females are equally talented and proven to be worthy of being head, if given chance. I am a female and I feel I am qualified enough to lead a team, full of males. There are certain problems regarding corporate politics but if a female thinks about welfare of a company, keeping everything aside and so does male, there won’t be any problems created.”


From the experiment we concluded that, in these days of digital world, no one has direct problem in working with female but somewhere some feel female have a bit more of a personal side than males. Males are portrayed as perfect professionals while females sometimes tend to be extra strict, over confident or extra caring. Males could balance emotions while females sometimes have problem in handling emotions. Males said that females are sometimes over confident and they would feel their nature won’t be suitable enough for a female head. To be attached to an organization emotionally is equally necessary. So what is better? To have a professional male who always gives his steady 90% or an involving female who sometimes gives her 60% and sometimes 120%? What do you think?

Comment your answers…All the best.

Survey Done by : Kalgee Shah
