4 Things to Keep in Mind While Buying Athletic Shoes

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4 Things to Keep in Mind While Buying Athletic Shoes

Many of us often find ourselves in the wrong shoes. Ill-fitting or lack of comfort assails shoe buyers everywhere. Finding the right ones is super-critical especially when you are purchasing sports shoes. These shoes should afford maximum comfort while walking or running and not cause injury to feet such as painful toes, sore soles and aching Achilles.

Keep the following 5 points in mind when you are out to buy your favorite sports shoes.

1. Know Your Size

Make sure you measure your foot size every time you are in the shoes store. No two shoes fit a person the same way. If you wear size 7 in Reebok, it might be a 7.5 in Pumas. Always take your old shoes along. Our feet need some breathing space while we walk or run. So, a size that’s half an inch longer than the actual measurement is ideal. Also check the width of different shoes in the same size category as insufficient width can irritate the sides of your feet.

2. Take a Test Run

It is best to ask a store clerk to let you test run the running shoes, just like one would normally do with vehicles. Walk around the store a bit or step outside. Suitable shoes must feel comfortable as soon as you step into it, and comfort is the only reason for anyone to choose a pair of shoes. If they are not comfortable during a test run in the store, move to the next; they are not worth the purpose. However, online shopping doesn’t give you this liberty.

3. Stick to Basics

Many times, consumers are swayed by what’s shown on TV ads and other sales gimmicks. But never give in to emotions after seeing certain styles or appearances of shoes. Don’t go by what others wear as they walk or run not as exactly as you do. Pricey athletic shoes with so-called special features don’t necessarily give more comfort, performance and durability than the ordinary ones. Unless a chiropodist recommends some kind of special shoes, stick with the basic option.

4. Buy From Local Stores

It would be wrong to assume that only major shoes brands can provide answer to your specific footwear needs. Smaller local shoe stores are good enough to walk in, choose and walk out. Already many of these local stores are competing with big names with a rich inventory and professional staff. If you are getting the same quality products at the same price at your nearby shoe store, why go far and spend extra bucks.


It is unfortunate that still today many people underestimate the importance of investing in right shoes. Women, in particular, needs to be careful when selecting their sports shoes since their feet are more delicate than men’s and prone to injuries such as stress fracture. One should not sacrifice comfort of a pair of running shoes on the altar of price. Otherwise, it will be futile to expect an enjoyable wear from any such shoes.

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